Inspired by the father of American Special Operations Lt Col. Robert Rogers dubbed Wobi-Madaondo (The White Devil) by the Native American allies of the French colonist’s that Rogers and his Rangers were effectively engaging during the French and Indian war. The tomahawk was an exceptional tool employed for the savage close quarters and hand to hand battles with the French and their Indian allies.
Fast forward 267 years and the tomahawk is still a relevant tool for Special Operations. From breaching to splitting wigs. The Wobi-Madaondo is my take on the timeless tomahawk, crafted from modern super materials CPM 3V, G10 and titanium. Featuring my Fish Bone textured G10 scales for a Kung-Fu grip and a nearly indestructible 3V head for chopping splitting and destroying what ever comes in its path. In addition to the cutting edge I designed a blunted spike for braking padlocks windows and other objects that need to be smashed or broken. The straight handle shaft with swell aids in using the tomahawk effectively in both directions.
lead time on this is approx 3-6 months.